2024 June, 20

MODERATOR: Ionuț Riteș, PhD., expert in information management, President of the Center for Applied Strategies, General Secretary of the editorial board of the “Diplomacy & Intelligence” journal
OPENING SPEECH: Ambasador Ștefan GLĂVAN, Prof. PhD., Honorary President of the Center for Applied Strategies – “The impact of disinformation on global diplomacy”
Tal Pavel, PhD., The Institute for Cyber Policy Studies – “Data manipulation during the current war in Israel”
Sarmiza Andronic, PhD., West University of Timisoara – “The information war and Fake News in the current international geopolitical context”
Magda Jianu, South Eastern Europe District Manager at Palo Alto Networks – “AI in Cyber vs Classic attacks”
Mircea Șcheau, PhD., President of Cloud Security Alliance Romanian Chapter – “Cyber profiling and manipulation versus classic profiling and cyber manipulation”
Pui Rebecca, PhD., International University of Applied Sciences Berlin – “Aspects of disinformation and manipulation through Fake News in global society”
Alina Georgiana Holt, PhD., “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu – “Effects of Fake News during economic crises”
Flavius Cristian Mărcău, PhD., “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu – “Impact of Fake News during the earthquakes in Gorj”
Cătălin Peptan, PhD. – “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu – “Considerations on the impact of Fake News on security issues”
Ionuț Riteș, PhD., President of the Center for Applied Strategies – Closing ceremony
Ionuț Riteș, PhD., expert in information management, President of the Center for Applied Strategies
Cătălin Peptan, PhD. – “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu Flavius
Cristian Mărcău, PhD., “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu Ina
Raluca Tomescu, PhD., “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu
Mircea Șcheau, PhD., President of Cloud Security Alliance Romanian Chapter